Written by Brandy Payne, Workplace Mental Health Consultant, Brandy Payne Consulting and Training Partner of Wellness Works Canada

Picture this: things at work are going well - everyone on the team is rowing in the same direction, projects are flowing smoothly, everyone is getting along well and doing great work. You feel like a rockstar leader and everyone feels really good about how things are going.
Then it all goes sideways with a massive roadblock.
What happens next? Does your team recover and keep rocking it, or does everything go to pieces?
It’s going to depend on:
Your team’s resilience, or ability to manage and bounce back from stress
Your organizational culture
You & your team having the tools and supports to manage mental well-being
At the root of all of it is Mental Health at Work.
Mental Health at Work is so much more than the extended benefits and Employee Assistance Program you offer. It’s more than bullying and harassment, or the personality conflicts and personnel challenges that can really derail a team.
Mental Health at Work is in how you and your team interact with each other on a daily basis, in the way that decisions are made and communicated. It’s the way that your team has influence over their day-to-day, workload, and the ability to juggle work and personal life - which is more important now that ever before. It’s about how your team is engaged in their work, and their ability to be both productive and good at what they do.
The great news? All of this is learnable. All of this is something YOU, as a leader, can build and grow in yourself and in your team.
You need a custom plan based on where things are for your team, and where you want to be. This is your Roadmap.
When you Chart Your Mental Health Roadmap, you’ll know what comes first and what comes next. You’ll build Mental Health at Work without wasting your time or money.
Imagine: that massive roadblock threatens to derail the team. In the past, this would have meant that project deadlines get blown, conflict explodes amongst the team, and nothing is working the way it’s supposed to.
Now, because you’ve charted your Mental Health at Work Roadmap, and you have improved Mental Health at Work, your team is able to come together to solve the problem. You’re able to adjust workloads, incorporating your team’s input, and clearly communicate the challenge so that everyone is on the same page. You know what supports to offer your team to get through this tough spot, and how to shift gears once the crisis passes. You lean into supporting Mental Health at Work, and you are all able to clear the roadblock and bounce back to normal.
Sounds great, right? So, where do you start? You’ll want to learn how to Chart your Roadmap. I’m offering a handful of webinars in September to show you how to do just that. Dates and details are available at www.brandypayne.ca/roadmap.
If you want more support and mentoring along the way, I’ve partnered with Wellness Works Canada to offer Charting Your Mental Health Roadmap, a 4-week program where we’ll go step-by-step to creating your own, customized Roadmap. This program is perfect for a Do-It-Yourselfer who doesn’t want to go it alone. You can sign-up and learn more details here.
About Brandy Payne
Brandy Payne helps leaders build Mental Health at Work plans to improve team dynamics,resilience and performance, without wasting their time or money.

She knows what it’s like to be in your shoes. She’s been a leader working to keep people engaged and doing great work. She’s also been in high-pressure roles that didn’t support mental health, and has seen the harm that can do. She doesn’t want that to happen to you & your team.
Brandy is a Wellness Works Training Affiliate and a CMHA Certified Workplace Psychological Health & Safety Advisor. She served as Associate Minister of Health in Alberta, responsible for Mental Health & Addictions.
Visit her at brandypayne.ca